Astronomical Instrumentation

CATA has 3 laboratories in different institutions: Universidad de Chile, Universidad Católica and Universidad de Concepción.

Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Laboratory (University of Chile)

This scientific-technological unit designs, builds, and tests instrumentation for radio astronomy, focusing on academic and technology research activities. It is a heterogeneous group formed by astronomers, engineers, technicians, and students, with a combined experience that includes millimeter and submillimeter techniques, and digital processing of astronomical signals. The laboratory is located at the National Astronomical Observatory of the University of Chile (Cerro Calán).

UC Astro Engineering Center (AIUC)

AIUC's mission is to serve as a platform and channel to perform cutting-edge research and to create new technological and computational opportunities in astronomy and engineering. AIUC’s astronomical instrumentation laboratory researches and develops technologies in detectors, opto-mechanics, electronics, control and software, and characterization and calibration of telescopes, among other applications. AIUC also has an advanced computing core, an adaptive optics group, and a service area.

Center for Astronomical Instrumentation of the University of Concepción (CePIA)

The Center for Astronomical Instrumentation, of the Department of Astronomy at Universidad de Concepción, is dedicated to the Development of Technologies for Astronomy in Chile, including instrumentation and technology for supporting national and international astronomical observatories. This Center collaborates strongly with Chile and abroad, facilitating rapid development of current and future projects.