

To promote research in astrophysics collaboratively, making optimal use of the facilities available in Chile. CATA will support the astronomical community working in the country, particularly focusing on younger researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students, as well as on educating the next generation of astronomers. It also includes training professionals who are experts in data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and advanced astronomical instrumentation, thus contributing to innovations in technology and computer sciences.


Chile has reached maturity in astronomical research. Currently, some of the world’s largest International Astronomical Observatories are located in the Atacama Desert, and it is expected that in the coming years this number will increase, exceeding 50% of the installed astronomical capacity on a global scale. From this, it follows that in the coming years we will see the arrival of spectacular projects such as: Vera Rubin from the AURA consortium; GMT from the Carnegie Institution for Science; and the EELT from the ESO. With the sum of all these, Chile will unquestionably become the World Capital of Astronomy. CATA is committed to supporting astronomical research through the skies of Chile, not only as a participant utilizing these resources but also as an active member in terms of creating and developing related technologies.

Our Objectives

  • Research: Addressing fundamental problems in astrophysics by making the best possible use of available astronomical resources.
  • Education: Train and empower the new generation of Chilean astrophysicists and engineers by supporting the development of highly skilled human resources.
  • Technology: Drive the development of high-level technologies in Chile by supporting initiatives in astronomical instrumentation and computing.
  • Technology Transfer: Connect the technological capabilities and knowledge of the researchers at the Center with the needs of industry and society.
  • Outreach: Share our research and scientific discoveries with the general public through dissemination activities.