The activity of Congreso Futuro en Tu Comuna addressed in a playful and participatory way topics such as the characteristics of the Moon and the creation of Exoplanets.
As part of the activities of Congreso Futuro en Tu Comuna, researchers and collaborators of the Centro de Astrofísica y Tecnologías Afines (CATA) participated in a scientific workshop, held at the Liceo Estación Central, located in that commune.
The team headed by José Utreras, in charge of Content and Dissemination at CATA, mainly addressed two topics with the students of the school: The Moon and Exoplanets.
In the first case, it was a display supported by elements such as a large inflatable Moon and scale models that allow to feel the texture of the surface of the Earth’s satellite and its craters, which was very well received by the students, from the youngest to the high school students, who visited the stand installed by CATA at the high school.
CATA’s general manager, Elise Servajean, stressed the importance of this type of activities that link the center with the community. “At CATA we are committed to the mission of bringing astronomy to future generations. For us, the value of bringing astronomy to children goes beyond sharing knowledge. We are nurturing the spark of discovery and curiosity, inspiring young people to explore the cosmos and consider careers in science and technology. In addition, these spaces with communities help us to foster future collaborations and to make our Center a meeting place of knowledge for everyone,” he said.
In addition, a workshop on Exoplanets was held at Liceo Estación Central, where students created their own solar systems in a playful way and using manual labor.
Thus, with CATA collaborators, they addressed the random factor involved in the formation of these systems, looking at the differences in the composition of the stars (yellow, red or blue) and the characteristics of the possible planets that could make them up.
The activity was attended by the Mayor of Estación Central, Felipe Muñoz, who expressed his gratitude for this type of initiatives carried out by Congreso Futuro. “For our community it is a source of pride to be able to receive this type of activities that contribute to the knowledge of our students. Also, in such an entertaining and easy to understand way. What the CATA professionals and the other entities that came help our children to approach and become interested in science,” said the mayor.
Pablo Brugnoli, Head of the Science and Society Division of the Ministry of Science and Technology, emphasized the capacity of these actions to awaken curiosity in students. “When children approach science from a young age, it means that we have potential scientists in the future and people with a critical analysis of our environment. Science and innovation are fundamental and the actions of CATA and other groups, which are committed to research and the growth of science, allow the development of the country,” said the government representative.
The activity was attended by CATA graduate students in astronomy from the Universidad de Chile and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Catalina Casanueva, Jenny González, Jaime Castillo and Steve Jurado.