The Center for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA) calls for applications to the CATA postdoctoral research fellowship program, covering the areas of observational, theoretical, and computational astrophysics.
CATA is a large government-funded astronomical Center that — incorporating 12 member universities across six provinces, 60+ professors, 30+ postdoctoral researchers, and 100+ graduate students — provides a vibrant, dynamic, and productive international astronomical research environment. A detailed description of CATA and its members can be found here, while the research performed within CATA, including the goals and most relevant projects of the scientific areas, is available here. In addition to the specific topics described below, we will consider applications from outstanding candidates across all scientific areas.
In this call, we are specifically searching for candidates working on the following research topics:
Applicants should submit here by December 14th, 2022, as a single pdf file, all the material outlined in the relevant job ad of interest. As a minimum, and if you are applying for a general position, this includes: a brief cover letter; a CV including the exact or expected Ph.D. date; a publication list; a research statement (max. three pages) describing past and future proposed CATA research; an optional 1-page technical skills statement; and the names and email addresses of three contacts for letters of recommendation.
CATA is committed to equal opportunity and diversity in the workforce. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.