The Technology Transfer Unit (UTT) of the Center for Astrophysics and Related Technologies (CATA) participated in several technology conferences with companies, micro-enterprises and universities, to present the advances and projects currently being developed by the Center.
The Technology Transfer Unit (UTT) of the Center for Astrophysics and Related Technologies (CATA) had an outstanding participation in important technology transfer events held during the week of Congreso Futuro, positioning itself in different forums about innovation and the application of astronomical knowledge to the industrial and social needs of Chile.
On Monday, January 13, Santiago Prat, in charge of UTT, and Franco Curotto, Project Manager of CATA, attended a breakfast organized by Agrosuper in Rancagua. In this instance, they presented Gradian as a success case of the Explora 2024 call, executed in collaboration between Agrosuper and Hubtec, in front of more than 30 executives of the poultry company, among them, the Innovation Manager and the Corporate Administration and Finance Manager, as well as the Technology Manager and Assistant Managers of purchasing, waste treatment, among others. This project was developed by CATA engineers at the Millimeter Wave Laboratory of the University of Chile (MWL), directed by CATA’s Associate Researcher, Ricardo Finger and has stood out for its technology based on optical spectroscopy, a key tool for astronomical instrumentation and adapted to optimize processes in a food production plant. With an accuracy rate of 95%, it has not only proven to be effective, but has also consolidated CATA as a benchmark in applied research.
The second activity was held on Tuesday, January 14, at the National Seminar of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on Technological Information and Patent Analysis, an activity organized jointly with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI), with the participation of leading national and international specialists who shared their knowledge on intellectual property, patent analysis and technology transfer. Santiago Prat, on behalf of CATA, gave a presentation.
The program included a visit to the National Astronomical Observatory and the Millimeter Wave Laboratory of the Astronomy Department of the University of Chile, located in Cerro Calán, where they toured its facilities, telescopes and laboratories where advanced technology is being developed.
Additionally, on Wednesday, January 15, UTT participated in the National Meeting of Transfer and Licensing Offices (OTLs) organized by the Network of Technology Managers of Chile (RedGT) at the Startup Campus in Santiago. On this occasion, Santiago Prat, together with Fernanda Mesa and Katherine Santos, both technology managers at UTT, presented about the institution, its seven lines of research and the AstroCluster program, aimed at strengthening the capabilities of the national astronomy industry through the development of dual application technological solutions. They also shared CATA’s experience in the generation of advanced technological capabilities and cutting-edge solutions. This meeting allowed the exchange of knowledge and the creation of collaborative networks among professionals dedicated to technology transfer.
In the same line, the laboratories associated with CATA, the so-called AstroLab, made up of the Millimeter Wave Laboratory (MWL) of the Universidad de Chile, the Astroengineering Center (AIUC) of the Universidad Católica and the Center for Astronomical Instrumentation (CePIA) of the Universidad de Concepción, were also highlighted. This joint effort has allowed the creation of advanced technologies that have a positive impact on both industry and society. On the other hand, on the same day and also organized by RedGT, our Center participated in the VIII Edition of the Technology Transfer Awards, where it was present along with other institutions in the field of science, technology and innovation.
Finally, on Thursday, January 16, the 8th version of the From University to Industry Summer School, organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica together with the University of Cambridge, was held. In this instance, the general manager of our institution, Elise Servajean, presented the progress made, the achievements in astronomical research and the development of technology transfer made by the Center in front of a score of participants from different universities, research centers and public agencies in Chile and Latin America. After this event, the astronomer participated in a panel of actors in the innovation ecosystem.
Through its participation in these meetings and its participation in Congreso Futuro where it presented its astronomers and researchers, in addition to its stand where it has disseminated its work, CATA has been able to reaffirm its work in matters of technology transfer through astronomical instrumentation and the skies of Chile, having as vision and purpose that these initiatives benefit society and industries, as well as the demonstration of the talent and effort of engineers and professionals that have allowed the Center not only to develop innovative solutions, but also to position itself as a strategic ally for the industry in the short and long term.